2019 Shenzhen Design Week
Design Forum "DESIGN NOW"
2019.03.09-04.13 14:00-17:00 (every Saturday)
Lecture Hall, Shenzhen Library
International Exchange
Whether it's designing a trend of thought or solving a social problem, looking at design from a time perspective, it represents the characteristics of an era that connects the past and inspires the future.
2019 Shenzhen Design Week Design Forum - "DESIGN NOW 设计现场" invites designers and creatives who are active in the front line to share the best social practice cases, explain the connection between design thinking and the past and the future. Creative, active local design and cross-border communication in various fields.
12 sharing guests will start from their respective fields and bring about 5 exciting ideas and brainstorming together for the beautiful world of tomorrow.
Sponsor: Shenzhen Design Week Committee
Guidance: Shenzhen International Culture Exchange Association, Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Office
Organizer: Shenzhen City of Design Promotion Association (SDPA)
Curatorial Team: Shenzhen Fringe Art Centre
Supporter: Intox Design & Communication
Co-organizer: Shenzhen Library, T-PARK SZ-HK Film Creative Park
Venue Supporter:MARS LIVEHOUSE
Media Supporter:Design 360°