「Art><Creativity」Exhibition Series in
the Greater Bay Area:
Lam Yau Sum, Hong Ko
Foshan He Art Museum

Many people's childhood memories include favorite cartoons, in which the characters and plots can be accompanied by the imagination of children at will, these fond memories in different life experiences, derived from a similar and diverse understanding and emotions.
Artist Lam Yau Sum and designer Hong Ko take the favorite cartoon characters of their childhood as the subject matter and reinterpret the optimism, bravery, wisdom and perseverance of these immortal characters with their artistic creations. ...... The two creators hope to pass on the undying energy of childhood through their works, causing the audience to resonate and regain the good times. At the same time, Hong Ko and an autistic artist Zhu Yuchen co-created cartoon paintings, which exude frank, optimistic and positive energy, encouraging and illuminating people to bravely pursue the love and courage in life.

